• Профессии Водитель бронетранспортераЛичная охранаБывший военный
  • Статус Бесплатно
  • Пол Мужской
  • Типы На постоянной основеНеполная занятостьВременный
  • Языки: английскийфранцузский языкиспанский языкКаталонский
  • Физические характеристики

  • Высота 1,80
  • Масса 86 Kg
  • Цвет волос Castaño
  • Цвет глаз Marrones
  • Документы

  • Документы DIPLOMA-NIVEL-1-INGLÉS.pdf


I present myself to the job ( SECURITY) being supported by my extensive experience, training and career path in the private security sector.

As you will see in my CV, in the latest personal protection work I did, for: Freud Communications, Apple, MasterCard, MITTO and DOW CHEMICAL; With the Security Companies: Max-Security Solutions Ltd., Capricorn International,uk, FAM Internationnal Security and Alameda Security Group, in all of them I used English, French or both at the same time.

I worked in the Indian Ocean for the company Segur Ibérica and Trablisa S.A in Maritime Protection. Using war armament:

FN MAG machine gun, 7.62 caliber, Sig Sauer SWAT assault rifle, caliber 5.56 and Sig Sauer SP 2022 semi-automatic pistol, 9mm.

MG-42 machine gun, 7.62 caliber, HK G-36 L assault rifle, caliber 5.56.

I have experience in the use of GLOCK 19 pistol, doing personal protection work

I also have military experience, I have been (18 months), in the BRIPAC, (Parachute Brigade, 1st Flag Roger de Flor, Alcalá de Henares – Madrid, Spain

I believe that, with my knowledge, aptitudes, training, abilities of effort and personal and professional improvement, I could fit for this position if you think it appropriate.

I do not speak perfect English, but I understand it quite well and I make myself understand, I also speak some French.


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