Профессии Водитель бронетранспортераЛичная охранаБывший военный
Статус Бесплатно
Пол Мужской
Типы На постоянной основеНеполная занятостьВременный
Языки: английскийфранцузский языкиспанский языкКаталонский
Физические характеристики
Высота 1,80
Масса 86 Kg
Цвет волос Castaño
Цвет глаз Marrones
- Документы DIPLOMA-NIVEL-1-INGLÉS.pdf
I present myself to the job ( SECURITY) being supported by my extensive experience, training and career path in the private security sector.
As you will see in my CV, in the latest personal protection work I did, for: Freud Communications, Apple, MasterCard, MITTO and DOW CHEMICAL; With the Security Companies: Max-Security Solutions Ltd., Capricorn International,uk, FAM Internationnal Security and Alameda Security Group, in all of them I used English, French or both at the same time.
I worked in the Indian Ocean for the company Segur Ibérica and Trablisa S.A in Maritime Protection. Using war armament:
FN MAG machine gun, 7.62 caliber, Sig Sauer SWAT assault rifle, caliber 5.56 and Sig Sauer SP 2022 semi-automatic pistol, 9mm.
MG-42 machine gun, 7.62 caliber, HK G-36 L assault rifle, caliber 5.56.
I have experience in the use of GLOCK 19 pistol, doing personal protection work
I also have military experience, I have been (18 months), in the BRIPAC, (Parachute Brigade, 1st Flag Roger de Flor, Alcalá de Henares – Madrid, Spain
I believe that, with my knowledge, aptitudes, training, abilities of effort and personal and professional improvement, I could fit for this position if you think it appropriate.
I do not speak perfect English, but I understand it quite well and I make myself understand, I also speak some French.
UNED, Figueres, Girona- España
Access to over 25s to university
Preparation course to enter university for over twenty-five years.
UDG (University of Girona)
Security Director
504-hour course to obtain the title of security director
UDG (University of Girona)
Trainer to teach in security academies
Qualification as TRAINER by the MINISTRY of INTERIOR Government of Spain.
Honors & awards
Honorable Mention (Department of Justice of the Generalitat of Catalonia)
Being as team leader in the Figueres prison, there was a great fire and we had to evacuate the prison of people before the fire could surround us.
Honorable mention (Cuerpo Nacional de policía) + Ports recommendation letter from the Generalitat de Catalunya
While working giving protection to the port authority of the port of L\'Estartit, Girona, I saw a boat start to burn between the two gas stations of the port, so it was a great danger. I notified the port authority and started the action protocol with the police, the Civil Guard and firefighters. The boat was able to take her to a safe area and the only crew member was able to jump into the water without injury.